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 Come to the Circle, Goddess of Mu

A prayer of remembrance for all women called to activate their Lemurian Akash and divine feminine essence. As you take this in, you will feel that power resonating within you. Use this sacred prayer to recall the gifts of your past, bring in more light and honor to your present...

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We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Dear Old Soul,

There is no mistake that you find yourself here. 

Your ancient Akash resonates with this information and the powerful memories of these teachings. Through the Shamanic Teaching Wheel, your sense of a higher purpose and mission can come alive!

At long last, the world is ready for the shift to the divine feminine. We find ourselves at the front of the wave of this global transformation.

Together we stand at the Gateway of new beginnings with the Shamanic Teaching Wheel to guide us!

This Shamanic Gateway is your opportunity to step forward. As a member of this community of wisdom-keepers, you accept your role as a modern ShaWoman's and wayshower in today’s world. The Star Mothers have been waiting for you to rediscover your Old Soul destiny for 100,000 years.

The wait is over, the time is NOW, and the choice is yours!

Being called to Shamanship is a time-honored sacred responsibility. Are YOU ready to venture deep into the world of the ShaWoman’s wisdom?

Yes, I'm ready!

What You Will Receive


Those who answer the call will receive step-by-step practical tools, delivered through self-paced presentations, and training organized by the experienced educator and Last Priestess of Lemuria, Dr. Amber Mele’ha Wolf.

Imagine what can happen when you release the vestiges of your painful past and awaken to your sacred power and wisdom. When you listen to your heart, your intuition, and your Lemurian soul, you recognize the magnificent being that you are!

Become a Member

Members will receive monthly modules, each will include:

A Sacred Circle

Creating a focus and calling in the loving energy of the Pleiadian Star Mothers. 

Star Mothers Activation

Specific activation directed toward each classes’ subject.

Personal message from Mele’ha

Delivered with special attention to practical side of the Shamanic teachings.

Sacred Teachings

Explore your Lemurian Akash and your relationship to the STW.

Star Mothers Channeling

Deep journeys into the Star Mother’ guidance for each part of the Wheel.

Wisdom Foundations

Our Pleiadian Mother’s add their ancient wisdom teachings.

Closing Circle

Formal closing of the Sacred Circle with gratitude for all we’ve received.

Review and Reflection

A special time to allow the Teachings to coalesce and permeate your consciousness.

Membership Plans



Automatic renewal




2 months free


Stepping Into Your Future

The course is designed to be absorbed in your own divine timing and available in a format that meets your schedule. Elements of each Module will be delivered weekly to create time and space to be enjoyed and integrated. There is no pressure to complete one element weekly. The membership is designed to offer freedom and flexibility to accommodate any lifestyle.

I invite you to simply step forward with the trust and knowing that your internal guidance will assist you in clearing the path.

Goddess - you were born magnificent! Your awareness is widening and deepening with each moment. Only success awaits you! This course is a journey in activating the inspired knowledge and wisdom that your Akash holds. It is a joy and an honored gift for me to witness and guide your unfolding. The Star Mothers and I are grateful that you are ready to come home to your soul’s brilliant destiny! We invite you to say YES and dance through the Gateway; we are waiting for you there!

Yes, I’m ready!

Client Testimonials

…story Time 

"This reflection time is of such divine timing for me as in the full moon energy. I only just realized that after the creation of my time capsule crystal, I then received such clarifying information about my Akash from a friend. Such love and appreciation. Thank you, Pleiadean star mothers & Amber Mele'ha" 

Emma Walker 

…overwhelming experience

"Mele'ha, thank you for the answers that made me reflect on the past lessons and how they connect to the more recent ones. - I'd like to review some of the lessons that we did at the beginning of this journey. At that time, it felt overwhelming, and now it feels comfortable and familiar. With gratitude and 💕 for all the preparations you do in order to make these lessons so interesting and palpable."

Sarojni Ramdhan-Ganpat

…tears of Joy DONE

I am overcome with profound tears of joy at the immensity of this gift we are being given. A return Home. Our Divine and Human Home. As one. Blessed be the Star Mothers and all women on the planet who seek the truth of their being.

Jane Gragtmans

Amber Mele'ha Wolf, Ph.D.

Amber Mele'ha Wolf, Ph.D. is an internationally known teacher, facilitator, author, recording artist, healing intuitive, and channel of the Pleiadian Star Mothers. She is an International Kryon team member and a 10-year presenting partner of Lee Carroll.

By accessing her awakened Lemurian Akash she has created the growing community of the Lemurian Sisterhood with seminars online and in-person around the world.

Given the Lemurian name Mele’ha by Kryon in 2014, she continues to receive ‘sacred assignments’ and directions from the Pleiadian Star Mothers and Kryon. Most recently these divine directions have led to the creation of the Lemurian Shamanism School and specifically the Shamanic Teaching Wheel. She has created a school for  ShaWomen, not the general public - because women are the ones who have the tools, the ability, and intuition to absorb and use it; practical Shamanism, as taught by Mele’ha.

She has been committed to transformational healing, spiritual growth, and holistic health care and education since 1982, and her mission is to assist you in your journey of personal empowerment and transformation.

Are you ready to accept your sacred assignment?


Yes, I am ready to accept my sacred assignment.

Client Testimonials


I loved the message from the Star Mothers that the value they see in us is not what we produce but who we become as a compassionate service divine feminine human that is BEING in the world. It makes my heart sing! It is so much more about BEING than DOING. And it is a challenge to unravel the old paradigm one thread at a time, but worth it. I continue gently to create awareness in this arena to free myself layer by layer. Thank you, Mele'ha and Star Mothers, for your love and guidance.

Jane Gragtmans

…compassion and Wisdom

Beautiful teachings! The wheel teachings are so much deeper and more expansive than our awareness. This wheel of living balance, being present and inside of us with this power, is who we are and always have been. The symbol of the wheel is profound teachings as our chakra systems are wheels of light moving within us, expanding energy out into our human bio-field into the electromagnetic field and moving this energy back again into the body from the earth and the sun in circular and bidirectional movement. We are the wheel and composed of many wheels of light embracing compassion, presence, innate intuition, and wisdom. Energy centers and systems full of love and compassion are being present to embrace the evolution of humanity. I feel blessed to listen to this transmission today! Just remembering what we already know...Thank you so very much!

Valerie Midanik

…a delightful journey 

This was a delightful journey for me. Deep breaths are so healing & nurturing. Stepping into the hub instantly felt like home and reconnecting with my Akash. I will revisit this often for deeper exploration. The contrast between heavy & light felt illuminating. I am content with simply BE-ing. 🌸Aloha, thank you, Mele’ha & Star Mothers!

Diane Faist on "Lesson 2"

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